Monday, January 5, 2009

where did the time go?

another year has past -- and im now another year older...where does the time go?? it seems like it was just yesterday that we moved here and were living in our apartment, but we are now home owners in the greater-seattle area (props to us for finally getting that done) and have been enjoying life with our daughter...

this last year a lot has happened -- from pregnancy to marriage to thinking our bulldog was going to have to be put down, giving birth and buying a house -- it was quite eventful. i made friends and i lost friends, or rather figured out who my real friends were. i started school and jon was accepted to wsu. ive found myself with less sleep and more patience and couldnt be happier -- though at times i do get frustrated.

so ella is almost three months old -- we survived the holidays, the snow storm and even jon being gone for four nights (even though that was a nightmare). ive watched her go from a sleeping baby to one that cant stop smiling and needs your attention more than you ever dreamed. shes almost doubled in size now -- and i cant believe it. i look at pictures from when she was born and she doesnt even resemble the baby i met on that first day, but she is so so so much more than i ever imagined.

i go back to work friday. not excited, let me tell you. however, my cousin jessica make the biggest sacrifice for our family -- she left her jobs to watch ella for us, talk about amazing person. i was dreading taking her to daycare because i know how much of an attention-whore she can saddened me to think about her not getting 100 percent of someones attention -- and jessica heard my crys and came a thank you wonderful cousin!! im still gonna have a hard time leaving, but it might be a good change of pace, though i dont know how in the heck i am going to get up in the wish me luck.

this weekend will be our first family trip. we are going to oceanshores for my birthday, and i couldnt be more excited. jon and i havent taken any time away together since we moved out here, so it will be a well deserved break, not to mention a good experience for ella -- lets just hope that the freeway doesnt get shut down due to all the flooding...


Unknown said...

Love those gorgeous blue eyes! She's absolutely adorable. We still would love to see her. Let's meet up soon. 425-638-9476.


Jessica Zevely said...

OH MY GOSH!!! Where did the time go????? Holy moly, she is gorgeous!!!! I want to see you!

Jess said...

I totally missed the shout-out here! You are so welcome, and I'm loving spending the time with Ella, she is such a beautiful baby, and so lucky to have such an awesome mama!

Lana said...

Ella is so perfect and adorable. Such a lucky mama to have such a sweet little girl...

Sequoia & Petunia & Emma said...

Nice colection of pics of the cutie! Really the last one takes the cake. Miss you and her so much! Keep posting all the pictures I love them!

Anonymous said...

I just had to laugh! My husband was holding our son up in the air and Jacob spit up all over his face! It was hysterical! Mind you, my husband has a beard...HAHAHA